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How GenAI affects organic site traffic: How to stay ahead

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  • How GenAI affects organic site traffic: How to stay ahead

An AI Powered Future

Generative Artificial Intelligence may sound like a mouthful, but it is set to make user search simpler than ever before. GenAI will continue to create a new way for users to learn and engage with topics across the web.

What is Generative Artificial Intelligence?

Generative Artificial Intelligence or GenAI refers to an artificial intelligence model that generates content in response to search queries or inputted user prompts. The model learns and processes information to find patterns and provides easy and digestible answers to the world’s questions.

GenAI search is currently being trialled by companies such as Google and Bing to enhance the search experience. A user can ask a search engine a question and the tool will scour relevant and targeted articles. The AI will structure a response using valid sources. This is similar to existing AI functionality such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

GenAI is not only used to answer quick queries, but to understand whole topics. Many brands’ content may be referenced by GenAI to uncover and analyse authentic sources of information. GenAI responses can integrate with further sources or shopping tools. A user could easily ask for “5 brands that sell camping rollmats” and the tool will source the best rated and most relevant sites. Responses will always aim for a solution in line with the needs that the user has specified.

GenAI further uses text, images and data to consolidate content, meaning that GenAI acts as a first port of call. Your website can then act as further detail to enhance user understanding.

How will GenAI impact user behaviour?

Moving forward, we can expect to see a large amount of internet users embracing this functionality and using GenAI to answer queries and learn new information. GenAI not only simplifies the search process, but personalises it for each user’s search intent.

How will this affect my site traffic?

Gartner has predicted that by 2028, brands are going to see a drop in organic site traffic by 50% or more as users start adopting GenAI powered search as part of their everyday web activity. This doesn't mean that you won't generate organic traffic, however the preliminary data needed to make a purchase decision may be gathered differently. Therefore this could highlight a larger focus on where users will be in the sales funnel. This could lend itself to the rejuvenation of old school approaches, such as email and physical marketing.

How will GenAI impact the next 5 years of marketing?

The same way that we cast side-eye at AI generated imagery, we are likely to start spotting the signs of AI content as well. This can lead to mistrust of AI generated online content. The role of user understanding and solution to a need is vital.

We see this rise of GenAI as both an opportunity to enhance SEO content strategy to add best value for users and search engines, as well as an opportunity to stand out and show you are a real, authentic and knowledgeable brand. Keeping your content clear and your conversion CTAs front and centre, whilst always providing valuable information and advice. Trust and transparency is key.
